Catering Training Fund

Consultancy and training

zero cost

Through the financing of a specific Call for Proposals of the Interprofessional Funds (Fondimpresa and Fondo For. Te) I propose a Package of 16 to 40 hours of Training reserved for Food Sector Operators held in a fully financed form.


The training, led by Chef Paolo Cappuccio, an executive chef active in the Veneto region, Italy and abroad, can be fully financed or financed up to 40% of the amount and takes place in-house, adapting to less intense work schedules. Topics such as food design, the creation of new menus and cost management are addressed.

Advice is also given on specific topics such as fish, meat and vegetables, as well as cooking for wellness and facilities such as spas.

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Objective and Focus:

The objective is to provide the tools to adapt to new economic and technological opportunities and customer needs.

Training Methodology:

Training includes lectures, tutorials and meetings with industry experts.

Benefits and Funding:

The programme is 100% funded, at no cost to the company, and can also be used by small/medium sized facilities. The presentation, planning and reporting of the initiative are the responsibility of the partner training organisation, Enfap of Trento.

Need more information?

Contact me by e-mail at the address below